Connor O’Leary burst onto the world’s competitive surf scene in 2017 thanks to an impressive few years on the Qualifying Series and since then, the once grom from Cronulla has proven himself in challenging conditions at the world’s best waves, against the world’s best surfers, stacking results that are a true testament to his strong goofy foot game.
A top name on Quiksilver’s global surf team, his skills in the water truly speak for themselves, however there’s more to it than just surfing. Extensive training routines, diets and a strong mindset are contributing factors to the success of the world’s best athletes and with Connor up there in top tier, he’s got his own few secrets that have helped pave the golden path to the World Tour.
We’re always keen to chat to the who’s who of our industry and learn the secrets of how to benefit and build us ‘more average folks’ skillset, so we took a quick two with Mr O’leary to learn more about what points have truly helped him get to the dream position he is in today.
1. Watch and Visualise
"Watching other surfers and watching the ocean is immensely helpful and visualizing how you want to perform can help almost as much as actually going surfing. Think, dream, commit, become."
2. Swimming
"Swimming keeps your body moving, strengthens the muscles that help you paddle faster (to in turn catch more waves) and keeps you in the water. If you can swim in the ocean, it is best. Not only does it help your arms and shoulders, it also helps strength your core which is very important."
3. Stretch
"It's as if there's no limit to the number and types of stretches you can do, but if you're a surfer, then I'd suggest hamstrings are a great place to start. Forward bends help release the hamstrings and glutes which help free up the hips, knees and lower back. Hanging forward or sitting with your legs straight out in front of you and reaching forward ... off you go. Then repeat, every day, forever."
4. Surfing!
"You guessed it…. surfing! Surf, surf, surf, all day, in all types of conditions. Familiarising yourself with a variety of wave sizes, different circumstances and opportunities, plus countless time in the water is the ultimate way to benefit your surfing."